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What Do Periodontists Do? Common Periodontics Procedures

Have you ever experienced gum disease? Although it might seem like a minor dental issue, when left untreated, it can manifest into a bigger problem. If you’re interested in knowing more about periodontics in Lake Worth, you’ve come to the right place.

Periodontics is a practice in Dentistry that mainly deals with issues concerning the gums and the periodontium (tooth-supporting tissues). Although most dental problems can be solved the general dentists, some gum diseases have complexities that are best left to periodontic specialists.

Specialists in this practice make the effort of undergoing additional training to gain more knowledge and experience in treating severe and complicated gum diseases. They also know the best practices and techniques that can help maintain clean and healthy gums. 

Closeup of a patient's mouth for periodontics in lake worth

What Are Periodontists? 

Most people might not know this, but dentistry has more than one practice. While most assume that a general dentist is capable of performing any type of dental procedure, this is not always the case. 

A periodontist is a dental specialist who focuses more on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases, even those that occur on dental implants. This practice requires an additional three years of training and education to attain a degree in this practice. 

The additional training equips them with more knowledge and techniques to better diagnose patients and give them accurate and adequate treatment for their dental ailments.

They are also able to use the latest technology to help with performing most of the procedures. After all, some of the equipment that periodontists use cannot be used by all practices of dentistry. Their additional training is what enables them to be able to use the machines properly. 

What They Can Do For Gum Diseases? 

Periodontists will diagnose if you have gum disease by examining your mouth with a small mirror called a periodontal probe, or an electronic instrument called a dental explorer. This tool measures the depth of pockets around your tooth roots. Based on their findings they may recommend certain treatments such as scaling.

Gum diseases can be treated by a periodontist through a range of treatments including scaling and root planing, surgery, and laser therapy.

Periodontists may need to remove some tissue from the gums to provide more space for healthy tissue to grow which is called a gingivectomy. If there is too much gum disease for it to be easily treated through scaling and root planing then the periodontist will use surgery or laser therapy instead. 

Gum disease is a serious health concern that often goes unnoticed or untreated. The most common form of gum disease is called periodontitis, which is an inflammation of the bone around your teeth and may lead to tooth loss if left untreated. 

Periodontitis occurs when harmful bacteria accumulate in the gums and irritate the tissue causing them to swell up and bleed around your teeth.

Common Periodontics Procedures 

Most people have this misconception about the type of work periodontics do. Since they think that a general dentist will be able to handle all sorts of dental problems. The difference between the two is the additional years of training they undergo to receive more knowledge in cutting-edge techniques and equipment.

Here are some of the most common periodontics procedures

  • Non-Surgical Treatments 
  • Gum Graft Surgery 
  • Laser Treatment 
  • Regenerative Procedures 
  • Dental Crown Lengthening 
  • Dental Implants 
  • Pocket Reduction Procedures

Should I Visit A Periodontist? 

Periodontal disease is an infection that affects the gums and bones around the teeth. The symptoms of this disease include receding gums, bleeding gums, and pain in the mouth.

If you notice any of these symptoms, then you should visit a periodontist to figure out what’s going on. It’s important to get treatment for this disease as soon as possible because it can lead to other major health problems outside your mouth, such as heart disease.

A visit to the dentist should be done immediately if you are experiencing these symptoms: 

* Receding gums or teeth 

* Bleeding from your gums or mouth 

* Pain in your mouth 

* Discomfort when eating or drinking anything hot or cold – Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold

The first step is to schedule an appointment with your dentist and get a dental exam. Your dentist will need to do a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth to see if there are any signs of periodontal disease or other dental problems that might need attention.

If your dentist finds that you do have signs of gum disease or tooth abscesses (pockets of pus) then they will refer you to see an oral health specialist (a periodontist). They will be able to help determine the best course of treatment for your condition 

Dentist performing periodontics in lake worth on a patient

Do You Need Periodontics in Lake Worth? 

Now that you are well-equipped with the right information about periodontics, this will help you feel more inclined in seeking immediate medical attention when you experience any gum diseases.

A good periodontics clinic in Lake Worth is the Ferber Dental Group. They offer maximum care for all sorts of dental problems. If you’re ever in need of a good dental fix, visit them today!