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Veneers in West Palm Beach | Am I a Candidate for Veneers?

So, you’re ready for your best smile yet! Veneers in West Palm Beach are a great options to cover discolored, gapped, and uneven teeth. However, there’s more to it than simply wanting veneers. You need to make sure your oral health is in great shape. Read to learn more:

Overall Oral Health

A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. So, before any cosmetic measures are taken, we need to ensure that your oral health is where it needs to be. This includes getting rid of any infection. Now, be prepared to be patient because this can be a process.

Smoking and Drinking

Your lifestyle can dictate which cosmetic and restorative procedures are best. Smoking and heavy drinking impact your overall oral health. And, when your oral health is less than ideal, veneers may not be best. Don’t worry – you have several options that our dentist can go over with you.

Clenching and Grinding

Veneers are pretty durable. However, clenching and grinding can exert too much pressure on the shells. Over time, this can cause serious damage. So, it is worth mentioning to your dentist to ensure that veneers are the best plan of action for you.

Bite Alignment

When your bite is off, you apply pressure to your teeth unevenly. This can be harmful to thin veneers. So, if you have a malocclusion, chance are your dentist will suggest realigning your smile before any cosmetic measures are taken.

Are You Looking to Get Veneers in West Palm Beach?

Veneers in West Palm Beach can be a great way to make your smile look it’s best yet! So, if you think veneers are your best bet, it’s time to talk to our experienced and talented dentist. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment.