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Is Teeth Grinding Bad for Your Oral Health?

Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d be at the dental office for periodontics in West Palm Beach. So why do you need to see the dentist when you brush and floss your teeth religiously as recommended? 

There are plenty of factors that influence your oral health. One example that significantly impacts your oral health is teeth grinding

Around 15% of adolescents, 8% of middle-aged adults, and 3% of older adults grind their teeth at night, a condition known as sleep bruxism. Is bruxism detrimental to your oral health? The answer is yes. Studies show that bruxism can lead to long-term oral health consequences.

man grinding his teeth needing periodontics west palm beach

Is Bruxism Bad for Your Teeth and Gums? 

Understanding Bruxism 

Bruxism is a condition that is triggered by anxiety. A person with bruxism has a habit of grinding the teeth and clenching the jaw. Some do it during the day to cope with stress, while others do it at night in their sleep. In some cases, people are not aware that they have bruxism. People who know that they have it were usually informed by their partners. 

This condition can wreak havoc in your mouth. Some people may develop early symptoms while others manifest late. It all depends on jaw strength and the overall condition of your mouth. However, bruxism, in general, will cause problems in your mouth. 

Some of the problems associated with teeth grinding include sleep disruptions, earaches, headaches, facial pain, jaw stiffness, jaw pain, damaged fillings, broken fillings, broken teeth, chipped and cracked teeth, and worn-down teeth resulting in tooth sensitivity and possibly tooth loss.

Bruxism Causes

Did you know that one in every three people has bruxism? Teeth grinding is not uncommon because many people experience anxiety and stress. Besides these two, other factors can also lead to this unhealthy habit, such as the following: 

·      Some antidepressant medications may lead to bruxism 

·      Drug use, alcohol, and smoking 

·      Sleep apnea and snoring 

Bruxism Risk Factors 

Certain factors can contribute to bruxism. Some examples are the following: 

  • Stress is one of the leading causes of bruxism. However, anxiety, frustration, and anger can also cause people to grind their teeth. 
  • Age is another contributing factor. Bruxism is more common in children, but it usually subsides as they grow older. 
  • According to studies, people who have hyperactive, competitive, and aggressive personalities are more prone to have bruxism. 
  • Teeth grinding may be a side effect of medications like antidepressants. The risk of bruxism is also heightened with alcohol and tobacco use, recreational drugs, and consuming caffeinated drinks.
  • Family history also plays a role in bruxism. If some members of your family have bruxism, then there’s a good chance you might have it too.
  • Medical disorders and mental health disorders can lead to bruxism. Examples are dementia, Parkinson’s, night terrors, epilepsy, GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disorder, sleep apnea, and ADHD.

Consequences of Bruxism 

Most cases of bruxism do not cause serious problems, but if you suffer from severe bruxism, it may cause tension headaches, severe jaw pain, intense facial pain, damage to your teeth, crowns, dental restorations, and jaw (TMJ). 

Bruxism Treatment 

How is bruxism treated? Most bruxism cases do not require treatment because children usually outgrow it. Still, you may need therapy for adults, especially if you have severe bruxism, to prevent oral health problems and complications. 

Mouth Guards 

How do dentists treat bruxism? Some of the methods dentists use include the use of splints and mouth guards. These devices aim to separate your upper and lower teeth to avoid dental problems brought by grinding and clenching. These customizable mouth guards cover your upper and lower teeth. 

Dental Treatment 

For severe cases where tooth wear is evident and has resulted in difficulty chewing and tooth sensitivity, your dentist will reshape your teeth and apply crowns to preserve the integrity and strength of your permanent teeth.

woman grinding teeth while sleeping in need of periodontics west palm beach

Do You Need Periodontics in West Palm Beach? 

How do you know if you grind your teeth while sleeping? Of course, you wouldn’t know, but some of the signs that will tell you that you’re probably grinding your teeth are when you experience a dull headache or pain in your jaw when you wake up. Often, they learn it from their significant other. If you think you have bruxism, we suggest you see a dentist. 

At Ferber Dental Group, we will assess your mouth to see signs of wear due to teeth grinding. In addition, we provide our patients with the finest care and the most convenient financial options. 

We believe that money shouldn’t stop you from achieving great dental health. We offer affordable and customizable treatment options for you and your family. Our dental team will work closely with you to help you achieve the smile you want while improving your dental health. Call us today to book an appointment.