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Everything You Need to Know About Snap-in Teeth

Tooth decay, gum disease, facial trauma, wear and tear, bone disease, and cancer are some leading causes of tooth loss in America. A report from the American College of Prosthodontists shows that more than 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, while 40 million have lost all their permanent teeth. Today, you don’t have to worry about missing a few teeth because snap in teeth can restore your smile’s appeal and full function while boosting oral health.

smiling couple with snap in teeth

Snap-In Teeth: What You Need to Know

What Are Snap-in Teeth? 

In dentistry, snap-in teeth are synonymous to snap-in dentures. While they are referred to as dentures, it differs from the conventional type, which can be uncomfortable and slip out of place.  

Snap-in teeth are superior due to their unique versatility and stability. This unique tooth replacement solution consists of screw-shaped dental implants surgically embedded within your jawbone to securely anchor and support your snap in dentures.  

Typically, your oral surgeon will use two to four dental implants per jaw. However, the number of implants inserted will largely depend on your needs and budget. Some patients can have as many as ten implants.  

The implant-supported (overdenture) or implant-retained denture can be placed when the implants have completely integrated with your jawbone tissues. You can opt to have the overdenture removable or permanently fixed in place. They are called snap in teeth because a part of the implant that sticks out snaps on to the dentures.  

What Are the Benefits of Snap in Teeth? 

What makes snap in teeth better than conventional dentures? Learning about their benefits can help you decide if it’s the procedure for you.  

  • Snap-in teeth are significantly more stable compared to traditional dentures. People wearing them feel more confident when they chew or speak since they don’t come loose.  
  • Conventional dentures have restrictions because the device only relies on suction to keep it in place; this means eating sticky, hard foods can potentially cause the denture to slip out. One of the benefits of snap-in teeth is their impressive stability.  
  • As for comfort and fit, people find snap in teeth better than conventional dentures because there’s less friction on the gums.  
  • Aesthetic-wise, people love snap in teeth because they look more natural than traditional dentures.  
  • Although a conventional denture can restore your smile and oral function to some extent, unfortunately, it cannot stop bone loss due to the lack of chewing stimulation provided by tooth roots. Your jawbone is preserved with a snap in teeth since the implants replace missing tooth roots.  

What Are the Disadvantages of Snap-in Teeth?

Like any other tooth replacement solution, snap-in teeth also has drawbacks.  

  • The procedure requires surgery. The good news is that even though surgeries have risks, the complication and failure rates are relatively low. In addition, it doesn’t require hospitalization since it is done in an outpatient setting.  
  • Snap-in teeth are more costly than conventional dentures, but the benefits are worth the financial cost.  
  • One of the requirements to qualify for dental implant surgery is having sufficient jawbone density. If you aren’t eligible, you may have to undergo bone grafting to get a snap in teeth, which is a separate procedure with an extended healing period.  
  • The device requires adjustments as they may come loose over time.  

How Do You Care For Snap-in Teeth? 

The secret to getting the most out of your investment is maintaining your snap-in dentures. If your snap in teeth are removable, it’s essential to brush your gums and tongue thoroughly. Don’t forget to include the roof of your mouth using a soft-bristled toothbrush.  

Brushing before wearing your dentures minimizes the risk of oral health problems. Using the same toothbrush, gently clean your denture with a nonabrasive cleaner to remove food debris, plaque, and bacteria from the surface of your snap in teeth. Always keep your snap in teeth in a safe place when you’re not wearing them.  

What’s the Difference Between Fixed Dentures and Removable Snap-in Teeth? 

Snap-in teeth are either permanently attached to your mouth or are removable. Your budget and specific needs will influence your final decision. Let’s check out some of the differences between the two: 

  • Snap-in teeth are designed to be removed during cleaning and while sleeping. Meanwhile, fixed dentures cannot be removed; only your dentist can take them out. You will be given a different set of cleaning instructions for fixed dentures
  • A removable implant denture is more likely to slip out of place than a fixed implant denture. 
  • Fixed snap in teeth cost more compared to conventional dentures because they require the insertion of implants or attachment bars to anchor the denture.
smiling senior patient with snap in teeth

Restore Your Smile With Snap-in Teeth

Snap in teeth offer numerous benefits besides giving you a brand-new smile. At Ferber Dental Group, we offer affordable dental treatments customized to your needs and goals. Our team will make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed during your stay. Contact us for an appointment.