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Dentures Versus Implants: Pros and Cons

Losing your teeth can be distressing, but the good news is that you can have something to look forward to. Tooth loss is no longer an issue because your dentist can restore your smile and oral function with restorative dental procedures like dental implants and dentures in Wellington.  

Out of all tooth restoration solutions, patients are more interested in these two. If you find yourself torn between dentures and dental implants, we suggest you learn about them and discover their pros and cons before making your final decision.

Illustration of implanted Dentures in Wellington

Dentures and Dental Implants: Pros and Cons 

What Are Dentures? 

Dentures are removable dental prostheses designed to replace missing teeth and gum tissues. It consists of artificial teeth attached to a pink-colored base made of acrylic. The teeth are securely anchored to the base. Some patients may request metal scaffolding in their dentures for added support. With dentures, you can choose between removable complete and partial dentures.  

Complete dentures, also known as full dentures, are artificial teeth in either or both the upper and lower jaws. The denture rests directly atop your gum tissues. Meanwhile, partial dentures are ideal for patients who still have some of their natural teeth left. They are mainly used to fill in gaps. To keep partial dentures in place, they use clasps anchored to your existing teeth.  


  • Dentures are significantly cheaper compared to dental implants 
  • Patients who have experienced gum and bone loss can still qualify for dentures (this isn’t the case for dental implants since you must have sufficient jawbone density to support them) 
  • Getting dentures is a non-invasive procedure. There is no bone drilling involved. 
  • You can get a hold of your dentures faster than implants.  
  • It only requires at least four dental appointments at weekly intervals. 


  • Getting your dentures adjusted and replaced becomes a part of your life. As you age, your gums and facial structure change. To keep up, your dentures must be adjusted to achieve a perfect fit.  
  • Dentures will feel weird during the first couple of days of wearing them. Sometimes the adjustment period may even stretch up to several weeks. It’s common to experience increased salivation, and you may have some challenges with speaking and chewing.  
  • Taking care of your dentures is also an added responsibility. To keep them in good condition, you must care for them daily. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on denture care. You must follow these instructions to avoid mouth and gum irritation and infection.  

What Are Dental Implants?  

A dental implant is a piece of biocompatible metal shaped like a screw. In dental implant surgery, your oral surgeon will insert this metal post into your jawbone to copy the function of a natural tooth root.  

Dental implant surgery is the answer if you are looking for a permanent tooth replacement solution. It is permanent because once it is embedded within your jawbone, osseointegration takes place. It’s a process where your bone tissues grow around the implant and fuse with it making it a part of your mouth. 

A dental implant can replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. Studies show that dental implants are also closest to natural teeth in terms of durability, function, appearance, and longevity.  

Unlike dentures that cannot stop the progression of bone loss as a consequence of tooth loss, dental implants can. Research reveals that dental implants can successfully preserve your jaw and facial structure.  

  • The success rate of dental implants is impressive. Scientific studies show dental implant surgery has a 95% to 98% success rate. 
  • The longevity of dental implants is also unparalleled. While dentures last only seven and ten years, dental implants will do their job for 20 years or even more.  
  • Caring for dental implants is the same as caring for your natural teeth. There are no special care instructions needed. To keep them in excellent condition, you must brush and floss your teeth daily and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. 
  • Since they share a similar function as natural tooth roots, bone regeneration will not be disrupted. 
  • Dental implants retain your natural facial structure


  • Dental implants are pricier than dentures, but if you calculate, you’re saving more with implants since they don’t need to be repaired or replaced. 
  • Not everyone can get dental implants. Even if you want them, you’ll have to undergo screening to check if you qualify for the eligibility criteria.
Sample of Dentures in Wellington

Do You Want Dental Implants or Dentures in Wellington? 

While the information here can help, it is still best to discuss these with your dentist. But the great news is both options will give you a beautiful smile with enhanced oral function.

At Ferber Dental Group, we provide a wide range of restorative dental treatments for you to choose from. Our knowledgeable staff can give you all the information you need and answer all your questions so you can make an informed decision. Contact us today, and we’ll be happy to help.