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Dentures Lake Worth | Signs That Will Tell You It’s Time to Get Dentures

How do you know when it’s time to get Dentures Lake Worth? Your teeth, albeit designed to be strong and sturdy, are still subject to wear and tear. Besides the normal wear and tear it undergoes, poor dental hygiene and not seeing your dentist regularly cause your oral health to deteriorate leaving you with no choice but to consider getting dentures.

Loose Teeth Require Dentures

When you are diagnosed with advanced stage gum disease, it will only be a matter of time before you’ll start to feel your tooth loosen. A loose tooth is prone to cracks and if worse comes to worst, it can even lead to tooth loss. A loose tooth can also leave a gap between the tooth and the gumline allowing it to trap more bacteria and food particles. When this happens, it can lead to more infection. This is the time when you’ll need to consider getting dentures.

Red and Swollen Gums

Ideally, you should have pink gums. This color is a sign that your gums are in excellent health. However, when you notice that your gums are red and swollen then it could mean you have periodontal disease. Not to worry because when caught early, the condition can be reversed as long as you see your dentist for professional teeth cleaning and by practicing good oral hygiene. Unfortunately, when caught late it will lead to bone loss and tooth loss.

Missing Teeth

When your teeth are severely cracked or infected, your dentist may not be able to save it. The only option is to have it pulled out. And while you may think that a single missing tooth will not pose any problems, you are mistaken. The tendency if you don’t wear dentures is that the rest of your natural teeth will shift leading to other dental complications.

where are good dentures lake worth?

Looking for Dentures Lake Worth?

Don’t worry if you need to wear Dentures Lake Worth because modern dentures look like real teeth anyway. At Ferber Dental Group, we offer excellent dental care that won’t cost you a fortune. Call us today for an appointment.