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Dentist in Boca Raton | 3 Reasons to Floss Everyday

If you have ever visited the dentist, you are aware how crucial it is to floss your teeth every day. In order to avoid long-term oral health and general health issues, you should be actively flossing at least once a day, preferably at night before bed. However, many people still skip this very crucial step. Below are three reasons why flossing should always be a part of your oral hygiene routine. For more information contact our Dentist in Boca Raton today!

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Dangerous Plaque Build Up

One of the many consequences of not flossing is developing dangerous plaque buildup. Flossing is the only method that can reach hard to reach plaque buildup that often hides between teeth. When you leave plaque untreated, it can lead to dangerous bacteria in your mouth that can cause a variety of dental issues.

The Development of Gingivitis

When you don’t include flossing in your oral hygiene routine, you run the risk of developing gingivitis. Gingivitis is not only dangerous for your oral health but your general health as well. The harmful bacteria can travel through your bloodstream and contribute to heart and raspatory issues, and diabetes.

Are You in Need of a Dentist in Boca Raton?

It’s time to make your oral health a priority. If you are in need of an experienced Dentist in Boca Raton, contact our office today! Our talented doctors will come up with an effective plan of action. So, contact us today to schedule your next appointment.