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Dental Implants in Boca Raton and Other Teeth Replacement Options

an image of a dental patient smiling.

Dental implants are the teeth replacement solution most commonly chosen by patients. Although, there are many options to choose from when determining how best to restore your smile. Take a look below to learn about dental implants in Boca Raton and other common types of restoration for missing teeth.

Fixed Bridges are Reliable for Your Tooth Replacement

Tooth-supported fixed bridges are a common choice for tooth replacement that can be used to replace one or more teeth. In order for the bridge to work, the adjacent teeth must be strong enough to support it. Once a tooth-supported bridge is in place, it will typically last 10-12 years with proper care.

How do dental implants in Boca Raton compare to other teeth replacement options?

Consider Dentures to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Removable partial dentures can also replace one or a few of your teeth. However, unlike a dental bridge, a partial denture is not fixed in place. This means that there is also no need to alter neighboring teeth, as they don’t utilize any type of attachments.Another denture option is a set of full dentures. Although, full dentures are used for the replacement of an entire set of teeth. While they are known as the most economical choice for restoring missing teeth, they can take some time getting used to. There will some minute differences when eating and speaking. For this reason, a good dentist is essential to making sure your dentures fit properly.

More on Dental Implants and Their Benefits

Dental implants are used to replace one or many teeth. They can also be used to anchor fixed bridges. While they may be more costly than other teeth replacement options, they provide the most stability and can last a lifetime. In the long-term, they are actually known to save a patient money since they prevent the need for further dental maintenance.

Get Your Dental Implants in Boca Raton and Other Restoration Today!

The doctors at The Ferber Dental Group can make your smile whole again, no matter which restoration you decide on! To replace your missing teeth, contact our offices today!