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Bone Grafting in Lake Worth | What Is the Bone Graft Procedure?

Losing teeth comes with a large set of consequences. It can lead to speech problems, chewing problems, facial sagging, low self esteem, and even bone loss. While all of the consequences are bad, bone loss in the jaw is definitely one of the most serious side effects. Jaw bone loss is so serious largely due to the fact that it can limit your choices for tooth replacement, specifically by eliminating the possibility for dental implants. Luckily, there is way to restore your smile with dental implants, even if you suffer from bone loss in your jaw. How? With bone grafting in Lake Worth! Bone grafting is a dental procedure that builds bone so that dental implants can be placed. What is the procedure for bone grafting in Lake Worth? Keep reading to find out!

The Procedure for Bone Grafting in Lake Worth

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During a bone graft procedure, your dentist will take a section of bone from another area of your body, or use a special bone grafting material, and graft it onto your jaw bone. The graft will be held in place using pins, plates, screws, wires, or cables. Then, over the next several months, the graft helps creates enough new strong jaw bone to support and secure dental implants. The procedure for bone grafting may sound scary, however, it is very common and successful.If you are interested in replacing your missing teeth with dental implants, but don’t have enough jaw bone to support it, you should consider talking to your dentist about bone grafting. For the best bone grafting in Lake Worth, turn to Ferber Dental Group! Our team of experienced dentists can help you throughout every step of your journey towards a beautiful and healthy smile. Excellent dental care IS within reach! Contact Ferber Dental Group to schedule a consultation today!

what is the procedure for bone grafting in lake worth