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An Overview of Dental Implant Surgery

Anyone who wishes to get dental implants in Wellington should ask questions. Even though your closest friends or family recommend it, they probably didn’t tell you the details about the surgery. What are dental implants? Does the process involve pain? How long do they last? The best person to ask is your dentist.  

During a consultation, if you are keen on going through dental implant surgery, let your dentist know about it so they can screen you for eligibility. The last thing you want is to have high hopes of smiling with brand-new implants only to find out you don’t qualify. How much do you know about dental implant surgery? 

Dental implants in wellington

Questions to Ask Before Considering Dental Implant Surgery 

What Are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are irremovable metal posts that act as artificial tooth roots. Once they are established in your jawbone, they will stay there permanently unless you encounter dental implant complications, which are rare. You can choose what type of artificial teeth you want to attach to your implants.  

Most prefer fixed or permanent, while others opt for removable replacement teeth. Nevertheless, both types are carefully designed to match the appearance of natural teeth to give you a beautiful smile.  

What Are the Major Benefits of Wearing Dental Implants? 

To date, there are more than three million Americans who have chosen dental implants. Statistics reveal that this continues to grow by half million every year. The benefits dental implants offer push people to choose them over dentures and bridges.  

  • Improved Appearance – The most obvious benefit that draws people to get dental implants is their ability to give you a natural smile since they look and feel like real teeth. Besides aesthetics, people love implants because they permanently become a part of their mouths. So, they don’t have to constantly worry about their artificial teeth slipping and falling out. 
  • Better Speech – One of the things denture wearers complain about is their tendency to slur words when they talk because the dentures don’t fit well anymore. Although this can be fixed by readjusting the device, you can’t deny that it can cause inconveniences. Pronouncing words is never a problem with dental implants. Furthermore, they allow you to speak confidently without worrying that they might slip out.  
  • Comfortable to Wear – Another benefit of wearing dental implants is improved comfort. Some patients complain of pain and discomfort with their removable dentures, but this is not the case for dental implants.  
  • Better Chewing – Dentures are fragile. People who choose dentures are advised to stay away from hard and crunchy foods, as these can potentially cause their dentures to break. Since dental implants are strong and permanent, you can enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about breaking your implants. However, you must be cautious since your crowns can only take so much pressure.  
  • Highly Durable – Do you know how long dental implants last? As long as you care for them properly, they can provide you with all their benefits for a lifetime!  

What Is the Success Rate of Dental Implants? 

The success rate of the surgery varies as it depends on the location of the implants. Generally, dental implants have a success rate of up to 95%.  

Who Can Get Dental Implants? 

Before you’re allowed to undergo surgery, your dentist will conduct a thorough screening to reduce the probability of dental implant failure. In most cases, individuals who are healthy enough to undergo oral surgery may qualify for the procedure. However, they must have a strong jawbone and healthy gums to keep the dental implants in place. If their jawbone lacks density, they may need to undergo bone grafting first.  

Besides their health, they must also be committed to practicing good oral hygiene and complying with the ADA’s dental visit requirements. People diagnosed with chronic disorders such as heart disease and diabetes may need further evaluation before giving the go signal. After meeting with your dentist during a consultation, you will know if you’re eligible.  

Is The Procedure Painful? 

Patients who have tried dental implant surgery say they experienced minimal discomfort. Your oral surgeon will administer local anesthesia during the surgery to keep you comfortable.  

Those who have tried dental implant placement described the experience as similar to tooth extraction. When the anesthesia wears off, it’s normal to experience mild soreness. The good news is this can be managed by taking over-the-counter pain medications.  

What’s the Best Way to Care for My New Dental Implants? 

Dental implants do not require special care. All you need to keep your dental implants in tip-top shape is to brush your teeth two times a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Flossing is just as important as brushing, but you’re only advised to floss once daily.  

Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash also helps fight against oral bacteria. Lastly, make sure you visit your dentist at least twice a year for a dental checkup and routine teeth cleaning.  

Dental implants in wellington surgery

Do Dental Implants in Wellington Still Interest You? 

After learning all the facts, and if you’re still interested, we highly encourage you to schedule a consultation to see if you’d be a good fit for the surgery.  

At Ferber Dental Group, we are committed to providing the absolute best care to give you a pleasant patient experience and improve your overall comfort. Are you ready to get started? Contact us today for an appointment, and we’ll have you smiling again.